about three days into your 'white' section of your pills is still normal
Hello there. Yes a period can be delayed if you have missed some of your birth control pills.
The birth control pill will not stimulate or jump start your period. Talk to your health care provider if your period is more than three months late.
The birth control pill can make your period lighter. "A day late" is within the norm for women on or off the pill. If you're expecting that the pill will make your period always come on a Tuesday, four weeks apart, you are likely to be disappointed. For some women the pill makes the period this predictable, but they are the exception.
your period should come on the day or which ever pill it usually comes on. Missing a pill doesn't affect that. At least it doesn't for me.
If you had missed a pill or been late with a pill, causing you to take the morning after pill, then you should use a back up method of birth control for the next seven days. If you didn't forget a pill or take a pill late, then I'm not sure why you took the morning after pill, but the birth control pill will still be effective even though you took the morning after pill. The morning after pill doesn't make the birth control pill less effective.
Yes, you should take your birth control pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.
No. You get a period with/without the pill. All the pill does is protect you from getting pregnant.
You really should of taken the pill the day your period started so it doesnt alter your cycle. But yes its ok but your period may be late next month.
You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.
You can start the birth control pill at any time in your cycle. If you are set on starting on a Sunday, then you'll need to use a back up method of birth control for a week, unless it's been five days or fewer since you started your period. Traditionally, women in the US started the birth control pill on Sunday. This has an obvious disadvantage - your health care provider's office is closed on Sunday, and many women start their pill late when they notice too late that they're out of pills. Do yourself a favor and consider starting on a weekday, as they do in most other countries.
While the birth control pill tends to make your period more regular, it can also cause a missed or late period. If you haven't missed any pills, there's no special need to worry about pregnancy. If you've missed pills, or if it's your second missed period in a row, take a pregnancy test and contact your health care provider.