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You really should of taken the pill the day your period started so it doesnt alter your cycle. But yes its ok but your period may be late next month.

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Q: Is it okay if you started taking your birth control pill the day after your period ended?
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Birth Control So I just started birth control today Wednesday but my period started yesterday Tuesday and I have the 28 pack I was wondering if I am taking them right?

You should call your doctor to get clarification of how to take your birth control pills. Birth control pills are supposed to be started on the Sunday after your period begins.

Is it normal for your period to last longer than usual if you started taking birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes, sometmes when you start birth control you will have break through bleeding and it can tie in with your period since you started the pill during your period.

I havent started my period and i started taking my last row of birth control and my period won't start?

It is probably a side effect of the BCP. Just keep on taking them as ordered.

Birth Control So I just started birth control today Wednesday but my period started yesterday Tuesday and I have the 28 pack I was wondering if I am taking them right when should i get a new pack?

I believe that you are supposed to start your birth control pack on the Sunday after your period starts.

Is it normal if you started taking the birth control Yasmin on the Sunday before your period and are now taking the sugar pills but don't have a period?

Your period would probably not come until your 3rd or 4th sugar pill. If you started taking the pills on the Sunday before your period did that period come?

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

Can you get pregnant on your period and just started taking birth control pills?

If you had sex it is possible you are pregnant. The chance of getting pregnant on your period, while taking BCP is quite small.

Should you start taking your birth control while on your period?

Depends. If you just got your birth control and you have never had it before.. What you do is take it the Sunday after your period. For example. You started on a Monday. You ended on a Thursday. You take your birth control that Sunday. If you have taken birth control before.. Yes, you take it. Whether you are on or off.

What happens if you delay your period for a week while on birth control and then do not get your period straight away when you start taking the sugar pills?

Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

When you stop taking birth control will it affect your period?


How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

Should you stop taking the birth control pill if you get your period?

You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.