Then eighter she is pregnant and needs to take a pregnancy test or she may be stressing alot and that causes for her to miss her period
You take a pregnancy test and see your physician.
If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.
Depends how late it is? if over 2 weeks i recommend you see a Doctor just to be sure
yes its normal. you just had a late period now if you mean ur period lasted for 2 weeks then no. see a doctor theres something wrong and you may need to fix it before to late
if you had sex then yeah it a 80% possible you can be pregnant -KiKi
Yes. tht does mean your pregnant take a test!
During pregnancy you should not have a period. So yes.
youre probably a late ovulator. doctors go by a standard 2 week ovulation calendar meaning most people ovulate 2 weeks after the day they start their period. im also a late ovulator. i ovulate 3 weeks after the day i start my period so youre probably 6.3 weeks
been on my period for 2 weeks what does that mean
you posibly could be pregnant or about to get your period. it could also mean you are having a misscarrige.
Yes. Take another test when you are 2 weeks late for your period
You will not be protected against pregnancy and your period may arrive late. You need to use a condom for 2 weeks.