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The female absorbs the sperm because there just microscopic protiens

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When on Birth Control, the combined pill usually prevents ovulation, so there is no egg for the sperm to fertilize. If you are also on your period, the uterine lining is shedding, making it less likely for sperm to survive and fertilize an egg. So in most cases, ejaculated sperm would not result in pregnancy during this time.

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Q: What happens to ejaculated sperm when on birth control and on your period?
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Does starting birth control in the middle of your cycle delay your period?

Starting birth control in the middle of your cycle can cause some irregularities in your period, such as spotting or changes in timing. It may take a few cycles for your body to adjust to the new hormones, so a delay in your period is possible in the initial months of starting birth control.

Can birth control pill kill the sperm even if its the first day taking it?

No, birth control pills taken on the first day are not immediately effective at killing sperm. It typically takes seven days of consistent pill use to provide contraceptive protection against pregnancy. It is essential to use alternate forms of birth control during this initial period.

Why does birth control slow down your period?

Birth control can make your period lighter or even stop it altogether by preventing the build-up of the uterine lining. Some types of birth control also regulate the hormones that control your menstrual cycle, which can lead to lighter and more predictable periods.

How do you stop a period with birth control pills?

You can alter your birth control pill schedule by skipping the placebo pills and starting a new pack. This can help to stop your period temporarily. However, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your pill regimen.

Can you stop your period for a few days?

There is no guaranteed way to stop your period for just a few days. However, hormonal birth control options like the pill, patch, or IUD can help regulate and sometimes even skip periods. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your menstrual cycle.

Related questions

You started birth control 10 days after your period and a week after your bf ejaculated inside you are you safe from pregnancy?

No. You need to start birth control BEFORE you have sex for it to be effective.

What happens if you delay your period for a week while on birth control and then do not get your period straight away when you start taking the sugar pills?

Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

What happens when you stay on your period too long?

Get checked for anemia or get put on birth control

What happens to your body after you stop birth control?

You start to ovulate and get your period back and you can get pregnant again.

My boyfriend takes a sperm killer but he did not take it in four days i am on my normal period now and he ejaculated in me i am not on birth control may i still be pregnant?

get yourself on birth control, don't EVER rely on a man when it comes to birth contol HOWEVER much you love and trust him, it will be YOU who is left holding the baby with your life ruined.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

What happens to your menstrual cycle if you start birth control pills two Sundays after period ended?

you will get your period when you start taking your "period" placebo pills in your pack

Can taking birth control cause lactation?

yes it can. the birth control tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant. that's why you don't get your period for a while. the lactation part happens due to the hormones that the birth control have. so some lactation can occur.

Your period ended today so when can you start birth control?

You can start your birth control the Sunday after your period.

Can you take birth control during your period?

Yes, you can take birth control during your period. You should take your birth control as directed regardless of bleeding.

What happens if you start birth control on your period?

Your period may become lighter or finish earlier. This is completely normal. You cannot have unprotected sex until you've been on birth control for 4 weeks. Until this time, use a condom.

Does birth control still work when you are on your period?

Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.