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Oral contraceptive pills work because they are hormones. They make your body have the levels of hormone that it would naturally have before ovulation - that means that your body will not produce an egg - and "fools" the body into not being pregnant. It is not 100% perfect (no contraceptive is), but is as close as you can get.

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8mo ago

Birth Control can make your period lighter or even stop it altogether by preventing the build-up of the uterine lining. Some types of birth control also regulate the hormones that control your menstrual cycle, which can lead to lighter and more predictable periods.

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If you have never taken birth control. Does birth control slow down your period?

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You def. can't stop it but you can slow in down by drinking water or get on a birth control that stops it for only certain times of the year You cannot stop your menstral cycle.

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pregnancy, birth control, stress, medications that you may be on jst to name a few get to your doctor and have a talk to see what he or she says good lukc hope this helps!!!!11

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