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Some people will see their period stop when starting the pill; others will have prolonged bleeding. You can't predict which women will have which outcome.

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8mo ago

You can alter your Birth Control pill schedule by skipping the placebo pills and starting a new pack. This can help to stop your period temporarily. However, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your pill regimen.

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Q: How do you stop a period with birth control pills?
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When you stop taking your birth control pills and u have a period is that a regular period or a pill period?


What can you do to not have your period?

You shouldn't do anything to try to stop it, but there are birth control pills that help.

Can you take birth control to delay period if you're not on birth control?

You shouldn't be taking birth control if you're not prescribed it. Birth control pills don't stop periods, they stop pregnancy.

Can you take birth control to start your period back up?

no. Birth control pills can stop periods altogether, shorten them, or turn them in to "spotting" If you were getting your period before you started the pills. If you stop at any time during your cycle this should bring on your period.

If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?

Answering "If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?"

Can you use birth control pills to move when you get your period?

yes you can just take the birth control, when you stop your period should start three to four days after.

Can you suppress a period by starting birth control less than a month before vacation?

Hi, You can stop your period from arriving by continuing to take the active birth control pills.

Do you stop your birth control pills if your pregnant?

Yes, if you're pregnant, there is no need for birth control pills.

How soon do you get your period if you stop taking birth control?

Most women will have their period within a week or two of stopping birth control pills, and may be fertile from the first day they stop taking it. If you have stopped taking birth control and have not had your regular period as expected, you need a pregnancy test to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

What day does your period begin while taking birth control is it once you stop taking the active pills or does it begin when you finish the entire pack including the inactive pills?

The first day of your period will start once you stop taking the active pills.

Your period started yesterday you have a pack of birth control pills Is there anything you can do to make it stop once it has started?

If you start the birth control pill now, the period is likely to be shorter, although that's not guaranteed.

Do periods stop even if you're on birth control pills?

With the traditional birth control pill you take a cycle of pills every day for 21 days and then 7 days of sugar pills. In the 7 days of the sugar pills you have a period. Today, there are pills that skip the 7 days of pills and you stay on pills for 3 months and then after the cycle of 3 months you have a period. In both cases after the period you start a new cycle of pills.