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This is surprisingly common, it is due to an active hormone system

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Q: What could cause a woman to have a period twice in one month?
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I had my period in the beginning of the month and I got it again July 28 and it was only 3days Why would you get your period twice a month?

it could be from stress

Why would I have my period twice in a month and on birth control?

Birth control can cause this to happen don't worry

What can cause menustral bleeding twice in one month?

Ive notice that when i stress alot or the times that I've been through tough times i get my period twice in a month, I'm talking about 7 days twice....

Is it normal to get your period twice a month?

It's normal to have period twice a month heavily just for 3 days only?

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

Is having your period twice a month then spotting a sign of pregnancy?

No. The norm is that when you are pregnant you have no period. See a doctor about your hormones, having your period twice in one month is not normal.

If you had your period twice one month?

is not a problem

Why doe a woman period come twice a month?

A woman's period normally comes once a month. If a woman is experiencing two periods in one month, it could be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive exercise, or certain medical conditions. It's important for her to see a healthcare provider to determine the cause.

Is it possible for a girl to have period twice a month?


Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??

Can a women have two period and 1 month?

It can be possible that a woman can have a period twice in one month. I would talk to a doctor.

Why did you get your period twice this month?

Could just mean your cycle is changing. If it is heavy bleeding, you might want to go to the doctor to get that checked out.