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It can be possible that a woman can have a period twice in one month. I would talk to a doctor.

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Q: Can a women have two period and 1 month?
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Can a women who has removed 1 of her fallopian tube still ovulate and have a period each month?

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You had two periods last month and missed your period this month?

If you're in the first 1-2 years of your period, it's normal. If not, call a doctor.

How soon after stopping the mini pill will you get your period?

some women usually get their period a month to a couple months after stopping the mini pill. 1-3 months!!

What happens if you don't get a period 1 month When do you start calculating your cycle if it never ended?

If you don't get you're period for a month or two you are either pregnant. And sometimes your period does come right on time so i would mark it on a callendar

The last 2 month ive only had a period for 1 day is this normal. im on the pill?

Yes skipping periods is perfectly normal. Some women don't have there period at all while on the pill.

If i had 3 periods then stopped for 1 month could i be pregnant im onli 17?

The best way to tell if you are pregnant is to get a home pregnancy test. Most young women will skip a period or two now and again. But get that test and go from there.

How many women get implantation bleeding?

Well I heard that when you have implantation bleeding it should be the size of a quarter.Its very light(pink)and you only have it for 1 or 2 days.Hope this helps answer I got it but got my period 2 weeks then the next month for 3 weeks my period went into a pattern then the next month which was this month my period was 1 day late which has never happened so i don't know . Implantation bleeding doesn't always mean your pregnant though Answer #3: Are you serious? Implantation bleeding always means you're pregnant! You only get it when you're pregnant. It is the fertilized egg attaching to the uterus, hence, "implantation". Some women have heavy implantation bleeding and mistake it for their period. All women are different your not gonna have the same symptoms as the women next door.

You have had a period 2 times in 1 month and you have unproteced sex?

i have had 2 periods in 1 month and i have unproteced sex

Can you get period after your period?

Yes, you get them once a month for about 1-10 days, but sometimes periods are irregular.

Can you have more than one period a month?

Yes, women can have two periods in one month.When a woman menstruates is determined by her menstrual cycle, not by the date on the calendar, the typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but can be shorter or longer. A woman may very well menstruate on day 1 of the month, and then 28 days later on the 29th of the month menstruate again. Women can also experience vaginal bleeding for many other reasons, often women label all vaginal bleeds menstruation so they may bleed twice per month but only one bleed will be menstruation.

What causes a women to get her period three times in 1 month?

She wouldn't get her period three times in a month - it's not biologically possible. A woman may experience vaginal bleeding for a number of reasons, including irregular hormones and STD's. If she's concerned she should see her doctor to have the problem investigated - identify the cause.

How you can set calibration period?

calibration period will set depend on the process .in gas industry it is 1 month.