A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.
Yes, they can.
periods could happen twice in one month, but the next month, you might miss
It's not that they are coming twice a month it's just that your period never went off because stress makes your periods irregular meaning that they are changing up and switching when they come on and go off.. So no periods cant come on twice a month.
Paid twice a month (24 pay periods a year)
Don´t worry. Women have irregular periods all the time. Even women with regular periods get irregular periods from time to time.
If you are menstruating twice a month, it means that your periods are irregular. Normal menstruation occurs once a month. You could make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options if your menstrual cycle is bothering you.
It is uncommon but possible for some women to ovulate twice in one month. This phenomenon is known as "ovulation twice in one cycle" or "double ovulation." It typically occurs due to hormonal fluctuations, but it does not happen regularly for most women.
24 Semi-Monthly means twice per month. 12 months in a year times twice a month = 24
A women has a period once a month and you know(unfortunately) when it happens
You will probably have one next month. It sounds like you are having irregular periods. Going on the birth-control pill can often help sort this out and make your periods more regualr.
Some girls do get there period twice a month like at the begin of the month and at the end of it. If you are having two periods close together that's something that you should go get checked out at the doctors.