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Yes, they can.

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Q: Can girls get there periods twice in one month?
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You have had regular periods for a year and then you have two in one month?

periods could happen twice in one month, but the next month, you might miss

Why do girls get periods twice in a month?

Having two periods in one month could be a sign of hormonal imbalance, stress, changes in weight, or a medical condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine fibroids. It's important for the individual to see a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

You had your period twice this month could you not have one next month?

You will probably have one next month. It sounds like you are having irregular periods. Going on the birth-control pill can often help sort this out and make your periods more regualr.

How many pay periods in one year if paid semi-monthly?

24 Semi-Monthly means twice per month. 12 months in a year times twice a month = 24

Can you get your period twice a month?

Some girls do get there period twice a month like at the begin of the month and at the end of it. If you are having two periods close together that's something that you should go get checked out at the doctors.

I had your period twice one month one the next and then nothing this month what does that mean?

How old are you? If you are still young and just having your first periods, it probably means your body hasn't gotten into a natural cycle yet.

Why have you had two periods in one month straight after one another your periods are normally 30 days?

First of all periods last 5-7 days not do not have two periods in one month STUPID!!

What does it mean when i got my periods twice last month and one of them was caused by not having birth control?

These may be perfectly normal. You are not a machine and something occur out of order.

When your pregnant is your periods late just one month or every month?

While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

What does it mean when you have 2 periods in one month and not a period the following month?

You probally just have eregular periods its ok.

What does twice a month mean?

Twice a month means that something happens two times in one month, usually on a regular schedule.

Why should you have two periods in a month?

It isn't that abnormal to have two periods in a month. However, sometimes it can occur, if you have a short cycle and your period starts at the beginning of the month. This would make it possible to have two periods in one month.