Your period will go away when it is ready to do so. Your period is a process your body has to go through, it's not something you can force to stop before it is due to stop. Relax, there's nothing you can't do during your period and no reason to force it to come to an end faster.
OMG, no. I'm not sure what you mean -- I'm assuming you mean drinking it, but no, it won't make your period go away faster.
Sometimes it can but sometimes it can't..Nothing can make a period go faster..-.-
Im 14 and I have my period, but its not the time of the month yet. Im going away in about 2 weeks, and Im really scared that I'll get it while Im away and I wouldn t be able to go in the beach/pool. How do I get my period faster? And another question is , if I end up getting my period during the vacation, can I go in the water with it? And are there any hacks or tips you have for periods? Also, I don t wear tampons, I only wear the pads.
You can, if you want the gestation period to go by faster.
It takes a while but trust me it would go away soon because exercise is the good thing to do when you do not wanna have a bloody period.
go home and ask your mom
probally not probally not
No, you might make it worse
you can ice it, put a slice of potato on it for like ten mintues and try some home remedies.
Yes, during your period when it gets lighter and lighter and eventually stops your boosting will go away as well.