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"do u ever slow down?" "take a breather!" "its ok, i got this one!" most commen. "RELAX!!!"

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Q: How do you say can you take a break?
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How do you say take a break in french?

"to take a break" may be translated as "faire une pause" in French.

When you say coffee break can you take tea or other beverage?


What should you say to your girlfriend if you are fighting and she might break up with you and you don't want to break up?

Take blame & be a little more sensitive,apologize

What is another way to say take a break?

put your feet up wind down take a chill pill mellow out take five hang loose

How do you say give me a break in Yiddish?

To say "give me a break" in Yiddish, you can say "Gib mir a pleytse” which translates to "Give me a break."

Summer time came and you dont know how to say by to your boyfriend?

ask how he feels bout the situation, take a "break"

What is righter take a brake or take a break?

take a break ( stop what you are working on )

Does take and break rhyme?

Yes. Take rhymes with break.

How do you say goodbye without hurting on my part?

We are only human and break ups hurt - all you can do is take the time that is needed to get by it.

How do you say 'spring break' in Spanish?

You say spring break in Spanish like this: Spring Break it's the same in each langauge

How do you break-up with your love?

Tell him or her that your not feeling sparks and say your just not my guy or girl. Be sure to include "your a great guy [or girl], ""But your just not right for me." Take the break-up slow.

How do you say break in Hebrew?

to break = shavar (שבר)