For optimum health you should try to get between 60% and 80% of your daily calories from saturated fat. The rest should be protein with a small amount from carbohydrates.
The daily recommended intake for fat is 18 grams or less for a total of 1,600 calories. You should take about 25 percent fat of your daily calories.
In general, 45% - 65% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.Example:If you eat 2000 calories a day, 900-1300 calories (225-325 grams) of carbohydrates are recommended.
Less than 7 percent of calories from saturated fat and less than 200 mg of dietary cholesterol.
20-30 percent should be your percentage of daily fat intake average around.
The American Heart Association recommends limiting the amount of saturated fats you eat to less than 7 percent of total daily calories. That means, for example, if you need about 2,000 calories a day, no more than 140 of them should come from saturated fats. That's about 16 grams of saturated fats a day. You need saturated fats to feed your cells. =) So don't cut them all the way out of your diet. Also it helps you eat healthier knowing you can have saturated fats.
The percent daily value is based on a 2,000 calories per day diet.
Most vegetable spring rolls contain 3.5 to 4 g of total fat and 0.5 to 1.0 g of saturated fat. High intakes of fat and saturated fat can increase your risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends you limit your daily fat intake to 25 to 35 percent of calories, and saturated fat to less than 7 percent of calories.= fatproteins
There is no RDA for saturated fat, nor is there a Tolerable Upper Intake Level. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Science recommends keeping saturated fat as low as possible while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that not more than 10 percent of total calories should be from saturated fat.
It is generally recommended that an athlete consume fat in their daily diet. This fat intake should consist of 20-25 percent of their diet.
I can't give you a specific number. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 7% of calories should come from saturated fat, so I'd guesstimate around 13-23% of your calories should be from unsaturated fat. It depends on the total percentage of fat in your diet.
The percent daily values is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.
As little as possible