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It is generally recommended that an athlete consume fat in their daily diet. This fat intake should consist of 20-25 percent of their diet.

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Q: It's generally recommended that athletes consume approximately percent of their daily calories from fat?
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It's generally recommended that athletes consume approximately what percent of their daily calories from fat?


Its generally recommended that athletes consum eapproximately - percent of their calories from fate?

In general a calorie intake of fats between 20 and 30% is a good percentage.

Its generally recommended that athletes consume approimately percent of their daily calories?

It depends on each individual athlete, but most are taking in very few calories from fat. In general a calorie intake of fats between 20 and 30% is a good percentage.

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A well-balanced, nutritious diet provides approximately 50-60% of calories from carbohydrates, approximately 10-20% of calories from protein, and less than 30% of calories from fat

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A 125gram of chicken is converted to 4.4 ounces of chicken meat. The caloric value of the chicken is approximately 75 calories. Four ounces is the recommended portion size for chicken.

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For men, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2500.For women, the recommended daily intake of calories is approximately 2000.This will vary depending on amount of daily exercise and other factors.

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A good rosacea diet contains these calories. Rosacea Meal Plan Breakfast: approximately 400 calories Midmorning snack: approximately 150 calories Lunch: approximately 600 calories Midafternoon snack: approximately150 calories Dinner: approximately 500 calories

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There are approximately 280 calories in one medium (about 3½ to 4 inch) plain, unfilled, bagel. Depending on the bagel size, generally speaking an average plain bagel has approximately 150-300 calories.

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An expert in sports nutrition would advise the members of the team on what foods and how much they should eat. Athletes consume more calories than nonathletes.