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Q: Is there a lesbian side for a girls second ear piercing?
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What side is the lesbian side for girls nose piercing?

I don’t know

Eyebrow side for lesbian?

No such piercing for a lesbian.

What side is the lesbian side for girls top ear piercings?

There is no Lesbian side to any piercing, that is a myth that is not only annoying but just down right rude. Stereo typing has no place in professional body piercings never has and never will. Piercings are just piercings nothing more nothing less.

Does the right side piercing mean gay for girls too?

The right side piercing is an antiquated custom, but originally only applied to men.

What side is the lesbian side for an eyebrow piercing?

What ever side he wants, there is no gay, non-gay side, eyebrow piercings do not denote sexual preference. They are just piercings, nothing more and to think anything more of them is a mistake.

What does Left lip piercing symbolize?

Where I'm from usually the left lip piercing symbolises being a lesbian but this is not true as it is up to the person who gets the piercing which side they prefer xx

Is a side lip piercing for boys or girls?

It's not specifically for a gender. I know guys and girls that have one. I'm a girl and I used to have one before I got the other side done too.

What side of the lip is the lesbian side?

That is just a myth. There is no gay, straight or lesbian side.

Does the tragus piercing for girls go on the left or right side?

Either way, it doesnt matter Whatever ear you like the best!

What side is the gay side for a tragus piercing on a girl?

There is not straight or gay side for a tragus piercing, it's just a piercing and doesn't denote sexual orientation.

What side do you get pierced if you are not lesbian?

The Right Side Of Your Lip !!

What does a lip piercing mean?

Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3