There is no Lesbian side to any piercing, that is a myth that is not only annoying but just down right rude. Stereo typing has no place in professional body piercings never has and never will. Piercings are just piercings nothing more nothing less.
Absolutely not
no, we do not. usually we girls usually get both ears pierced, unless were like a punk or sometimes if we're goth... then it can be on one ear, on both, or even like more on one ear than on the other. though some do say it is the right ear, I don't think it really matters... I have lesbian friends that have the left ear pierced, both ears pierced, eyebrow pierced, nose, bellybutton, and even no piercings. It's really more of a stereotype that gays and lesbians get a certain ear pierced, it not nice to judge others based on piercings or clothing or hair or race or beliefs or what gender they like or anything really, It's wrong and just plain idiotic.
Cause they're freaking awesome !
yes he does. he has 1 on his ear witch is weird because i thought only girls have piercings. LOL
Britney Spears has three ear piercings on her right ear, 1-2 ear piercings on her left ear, and one navel piercing.
Yes, she has 12 piercings in total. 4 on her right ear and 8 on her left ear.
Just means that you have two ear piercings in the same area. It usually means either two ear lobe piercings or two cartilage piercings.
Yup =] Ear piercings.
hell no
Zendaya has the regular 2 piercings.
It is a tolerable quick pinch but more irritating then a ear lobe piercing.