They could be - take a test
Nipple tenderness can be a sign of your period or early pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant.
Yes, 10 days after conception may be too early to get an accurate result on a pregnancy test. It's generally recommended to wait until after you've missed your period to take a pregnancy test for the most reliable results.
my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did! my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did!
Yes - take a test
Yes, they can be. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period
you need to wait until you atleast miss one period
You can but it is unlikely to tell you anything. 36 hours is far to early to predict pregnancy.
It all depends on how much of the pregnancy hormone (HcG) the pregnancy test can detect. Some detect as low as 10 mg of the hormone, and some take up to 100 mg.
go for it. you can take a pregnancy test whenever you want. the only thing is that when its early early on, you have more of the hcg pregnancy hormone in the morning after you've slept awhile. that's why they say its best to take the test then for more accuracy. i personally took my first 2 preg tests at 9 and 10 pm and found out i was pregnant.