my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did! my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did!
Yes, 10 days after conception may be too early to get an accurate result on a pregnancy test. It's generally recommended to wait until after you've missed your period to take a pregnancy test for the most reliable results.
10 days after sex is too early to do a Qualiative blood test. However it definitely isn't too early to do a Quantitative Beta HCG Blood Test which will measure the amount of HCG present in your blood and is a highly accurate test in confirming pregnancy. You can do this test 5 days after conception.
Yes, it's far too early. Often, the egg has not even been fertilized yet.
No,it too early to tell
happened to me too...take another test...can mean a defective test or testing to early
Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test
you could test as early as a few days before you expect ur period. But if it is negative tehre is still a chance you are pregnant. may have just been too early
Yes, you could be. It might have been too early to take a test. Wait another 2 weeks and take another test
u take the pregnancy test too early tht can cause a false reading so if u are anxious to find out my best suggestion is to get first response.
Yes, if it's too early you can get a false negative (ie. there isn't enough HcG in your urine yet for the test to detect). It can tell you you're not pregnant when you actually are in the very early stages. If you miss your period, take another test.