it is 2000-2100 per day and some women consume more but that is the average woman!
1600 to 2200 calories per day, depending on physical activity. The maximum calories the average human male should consume is 1200 calories, and average female 900 calories.
An average calorie intake of 2000-2250 per day
2500-3500 calories per day
For an average 17 year old female, the absolute minimum amount of calories you should consume is 1500. More if you exercise daily or multiple times a week.
Either 2000 or 2500.
Kids should consume 2,000 calories everyday, but if they are athletic and like to exercise a lot, then they should consume 2,500 calories everyday.
Depends on how tall you are and how active you are. It differs for everyone.
1,600 calories, in average.
An average teenage girl should consume 2,400 calories per day, the amount of calories that should be consumed is greatly depended on age, height, and weight. To find the exact amount of calories, go to
It varies based on height, and activity, but the average teen that age should consume between 1,500 and 1,700 calories a day.