Breast tenderness is often the earliest sign of pregnancy and can start shortly after implantation.
Yeast infection no. tender breast, possibly
Your breast become swollen and very tender to the touch and this can happen in the early stages of pregnancy. Google is the best place to see what the early signs are of pregnancy.
Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.
If Someones breast seem to be getting tender it might be a sign of pregnancy so its better if you get yourself check.
Tender breasts (when a woman's breasts feel sore or cause pain when touched), could indicate a number of things, including that a woman's menstrual cycle is about to begin. It can also be an early sign of pregnancy.
Swollen or tender breasts can appear as soon as the day your period is due or even earlier. Early pregnancy and pre-menstrual symptoms are very similar, so tender breasts may occur up to a week before your period is due. A pregnancy test will confirm one way or the other as soon as your period is late.
My breast typically hurt about a week or so before my period is due, but i have heard that swollen or tender breast can be signs of pregnancy.
Possibly. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.
No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.
Yes they are signs of pregnancy.
Only if you're not on some form of birth control
Having tender brests doesn't get you pregnant. Having sex is what gets you pregnant. Tender breasts can be a sign of pregnancy, but not one that can be trusted. If you suspect something, get tested for real.