Extra sensitive nipples; always erect
Breast tenderness is often the earliest sign of pregnancy and can start shortly after implantation.
Yes. You will get even more of them as your pregnancy progresses.
oh yes, you may get the pain early and then again later on. You still fee it.
Nausia, breast tenderness, missed period and being tired
The three early signs of pregnancy is sore breast that comes and goes,morning sickness and scent that u once enjoy smells
My wife says it is very early in the pregnancy as early as week 12! she is 30 weeks pregnant for the second time
You can begin to notice breast changes as early as two weeks into your pregnancy. It won't be until much later in your pregnancy though that you will begin to notice your breasts "swelling" due to breast milk. It really varies upon when you will notice breast swelling in the beginning of pregnancy though.
You did not miss your period yet but it was 15 days apart from last period your breast hurts and you are nausea is that a early sign of pregnancy?
Your breast become swollen and very tender to the touch and this can happen in the early stages of pregnancy. Google is the best place to see what the early signs are of pregnancy.
close to period
constant breast pressure with hardness and enlargement is an early sign of pregnancy. good luck Joymaker RN