You cannot completely clear your facebook login email that is registered with your account. However, you can restrict your friends and other people from seeing your email address via privacy settings.
Unless someone with a Facebook account used your email address to set up their account, no, you cannot get Facebook notifications.
Contact them from the homepage.
You can send AOL email to Facebook by linking the accounts. When you link your accounts you will see your AOL contacts on Facebook. You can send an AOL email to someone's Facebook email address and it will go to the Facebook message application.
this might be different for you but check one of your emails from Facebook and see who sent it to you.Mine was,email what you need to say to Facebook.
how do i sendaol email to friends on facebook
Well Facebook has games on it while your email does not at all and you can chat with your friends easeir and quicker.
their your friends other friends on facebook.
You can invite them via email. Or, if they are in a group with you on Facebook, when you're in the "invite friends" window, click "search by name," then select the group.
(1) Your friends have recommended some friends to you, and that's why you will receive it. (2) Your friends send invitation by entering your email address, that's why you receive email invitation.
Friends are requested through Facebook. You can message to potential friends your Facebook name or your Facebook associated email. Doing this via chat however is a violation of KoC TOU.
Yes it possible to find friend by email on Facebook. Below is step by step guide to find your friend on Facebook by email address. 1. Login to your Facebook and open this link: 2. Type the email address and click search button, if the email address associated with a Facebook account then you will see the result Good luck
Ask your friends on facebook, but be sure to describe who he is....
yes facebook does have email
They must be in your Contacts in your E-Mail, Then:Go to Facebook's 'Find Friends' FeatureLog in to your E-MailFacebook will now scan your E-Mail and find any of your Contacts who have a Facebook Account