You have to purchase them from Kabam or win them in a tournament.
First, It's ''Camelot'' not Chamelot...Second, You can level up by building your cities, attacking wildernesses and training troops.
Accept friend request.
Go to "Friends List" then hit "Request to you". Accept all you want.
You have to purchase them from Kabam or win them in a tournament.
The web design company, Kabam.
Would like to know same answer if you get one ty
they already have for iPod touch iPhones and ipads
Raise your might by building your city and by training troops.
coords are coordinates. the X/Y axis of where you are located on a map
You get a better chance of gaining crest if you attack higher level pict camps
You can find them in level 8 wilderness squares. Thats where I found one.
The only way to know if your friend request has been declined is to request to be their friend again. If it lets you re-request, then they denied your friend request.
You can do one of the following: Work on the Kabam website team... Send a request to be one on the Kabam website... Be hired as one from Kabam due to your licensed practices... Lord Raithwall, caval218 domain Chancellor of Family of Angels Dylan R. Fussell
An Un-accepted friend request or incoming friend request