Go to "Friends List" then hit "Request to you". Accept all you want.
Accept friend request.
Click on their name in game and then select "Send request". Wait for them to accept it. In profile view, click the friend request button below the users avatar. Wait for them to accept it. Hope this helped :)
Whenever someone requests you as a friend you will see a postcard with a smiley face on it appear next to your message and newspaper logo, click on it and then it will ask you if you want to accept or decline then click yes or no.
to accept go to your profile and scroll down and press accept to invite go to the persons profile then click send friend request under the character then wait until they eccept
While your in game with them, hold tab. Then move your mouse to their name and click it. A request to be a fan will be sent to them. To accept friend requests go to the Battlefield Heroes website and look at your notifications. Accept them if you want to.
to accept a friend request you just have to go on your player page in notifications. from there you will see if anyone sent you a friend request.
send a private message to her, that accept ur friend request.
You go to your notifications and then look for the friend request. :-)
when you get the e-mail friend request, there's a button at the bottom of it and you have the choice o refuse the request or accept it
if a petpet sends you a friend request which is a small square that says a petpet wants to be your friend, you can click yes if you accept the friend request or you can click no if you deny the friend request and you don't want to be friends with that petpet.
Accept friend request.
When you get the request, you can accept, ignore or block/report them.
go to ur email
You search for them and thats how
Send them a friend request & if they accept will be added to your list.
You should only accept friend requests from people you know. You don't have to accept someone's friend request unless you want to. Only accept requests from people if you know them and don't mind them seeing everything you have posted to your page. However, if you do accept a friend request, make sure not to tell any really personal information.
You have to click the person icon. Then when you see a boy or girl head you click on that then It will say for example. " Are you sure you want luxxtrixx to be your friend?" then you press yes or no and that is how you accept request.