While your in game with them, hold tab. Then move your mouse to their name and click it. A request to be a fan will be sent to them. To accept friend requests go to the Battlefield Heroes website and look at your notifications. Accept them if you want to.
get a pal pad and go to add friend
you go to friend then go to the top of the whole friends list then it would say add a friends block a friend or send message got to add a friend then it will say type in persons account name and add the person you want to add you could add me my user is gingie2
You can click on their picture and on the menu underneath their picture there should be a button that says "Add Friend".
In order to add friends in Combat Arms, you must click messenger at the bottom right corner. When you click it, it should say, "Add Friend". If you don't want to do that, another way of adding friends in Combat Arms is by right-clicking your friend's or person's rank. When you right-click it, it should say, "Add Friend". All you have to do is click, "Add Friend".
of course you can just in battle hold Tab click on the heroes to add them -ShredderZX
Battlefield Heroes happened in 2009.
you dont...fund battlefield heroes
Battlefield Heroes was created on 2009-06-25.
sorry you cant download battlefield heroes faster, this is because the battlefield heroes updater has lots of files to download.
The duration of Battlefield Heroes - film - is 1.97 hours.
Battlefield Heroes - film - was created on 2011-01-27.
Go to: Community -> Groups -> Create Group This will do it. Then add your Group Name etc.
no battlefield heroes will not give you any viruses because it is an EA game
Battlefield Heroes is a free to play PC game. It will be coming out around March this year.
Anytime you want except the time when battlefield heroes is offline for making updates :D
No. If you want to play, search battlefield heroes, sign up and download.