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You can click on their picture and on the menu underneath their picture there should be a button that says "Add Friend".

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Q: How do you add people as a friend on OMGPOP?
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Related questions

Is omgpop free?

Yes, OMGPOP is free. However, you can add OMGPOP cash with your credit card or Paypal, but that is optional.

What does omgpop stand for?

omgpop is a company

When was Omgpop created?

Omgpop was created in 2006.

How do you delete people on OMGPOP?

go to you account go down to friends click on friends click on that persons picture scroll down till it says remove friend click remove friend hope this helps

Why was OMGPOP taken down?

too many people didn't like it

How do you pass number 37 in the ofice on Howrse?

You have to add someone as a friend and have them add you back. First of all, read the person's profile. Some people tell you that they do not accept random friend requests. Do not ask these people to add you as a friend. Some people do not say whether you can ask them or not. You can ask them if you wanted. However, the best people to add (other than people who are actually your friend in Real Life) are the people that tell you out right to add them as a friend. Once you have found the person you want to add as a friend, go to the top of the page and click "friends". Then, click "add a friend" (in red under the paragraph about your friend page) and type in the name of the person you want to add as a friend and eventually, they will add you back and you will have passed number 37!

How do you add friends on draw my thing?

Watch them, and show off who you watched on the settings.

How do you friend people on facebook?

you go to there page and hit add as friend

How do you add people on moshi monsters?

Go onto your friend's tree and click on 'add friend'. When the picture comes up click on 'add'. Click on the friend then click the button that says 'add me'.

Do you have to add people as a friend before you can add them to your crew in YoVille?


How do you add people on crossfire?

Right click on the person you want to add then click "add as friend"

Can you add people who are on an Xbox 360 on a PS3 as your friend?
