You should only accept friend requests from people you know. You don't have to accept someone's friend request unless you want to. Only accept requests from people if you know them and don't mind them seeing everything you have posted to your page. However, if you do accept a friend request, make sure not to tell any really personal information.
If it's not in your to do list then you don't have any friend requests
If you receive a gift, it should show up in your event inbox. Click on the image of the yellow gift box and it will take you to the page where you can accept gifts. From there, just check the box for accept and submit.
The cast of Hillbilly Requests - 1957 includes: Victoria Banjo Club as Themselves
If a friend has fallen out with another friend, if an individual is friends with both, they should not pick sides. It would be best to remain neutral.
Yes, Yes, Yes! She should not cheat on her boyfriend! He should go gay!!!!!!!!!!
its not really safe to do that....
You must friend them back.
Yes Ow can have friends on Howrse. Just type in his name on the find a friend and click on his account, then you can view his details and become his friend.
click the middle button that will get the dashboard then go to friends find there name click on it and it should say accept Or shmoxrsy,utc,i
They go to their inbox, and see their friend requests and accept you or ignore you.
You can't. Only on desktop mode /:
You can't accept requests on the Twitter app.
In the upper right hand corner of your facebook home page you will see a notification if you have friend requests. It will say "1 Friend Request" or however many requests there are. Click on that text and each request will appear. The option will be there to "Accept" or "Ignore" each friend request.
There is an option for you to decline or accept the request... click the latter of the two.
They Have To Sent you a request , then their card is gonna pop up & you hit : OK
Hey. you get an e-mail to your address from bebo and when you open the e-mail it will say something like whoever wants to add you as a friend then click on the website below the request and it will come up if you want to accept,decide later or decline.then press next or whatever and then you have just added this person as a friend..............hope this
this doesnt really make sense but i guess what you're saying is that how your accept friend requests that have gone. what you do, if you remember the person's name, search them up and respond to request.