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They go to their inbox, and see their friend requests and accept you or ignore you.

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Q: What Happens when you friend someone on YouTube?
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What is a YouTube friend?

A youtube friend is someone you want to be friends with. you can look at what videos they posted and videos they like.

What is a friend on YouTube?

A friend on youtube is someone who you become friends with and want to keep contact. If you want to add someone click add friend on their channel and wait for them to respond and approve.

What is a friend compared to a subscriber on YouTube?

A friend on YouTube is someone you know. And a subscriber is someone who likes your content that you upload, and wants to be notified when you upload videos.

Do you have to know someone to send them a friend invite on YouTube?

No, you could send a friend invite to someone you admire on youtube or that you know in real life. IT doesn't matter. The difference between a friend invite and a subscriber is that you won't get updates from your friend when they post new videos and you also won't count towards their subscriber total. This can be used to gain youtube partnership. The friend acceptance just shows your friends on youtube and makes it easier to send messages to the person.

What happens when you unfriend someone on facebook?

That means you delete your friend

Can someone play Animal Crossing City Folk with you?

If you have Wi-Fi then yes. You have to go to youtube, type in animal crossing city folk friend codes, and then give your friend code. Make sure you give them the message on youtube if you can be their friend.

I want to find someone on YouTube?

"You can't find a person on youtube unless they're your youtube friend." Actually, there is a way, if you have a Yahoo account you can type in their Youtube username in the sharing updates section on your profile. If the username exists it will show up with Youtube, click it and it will bring you directly to their channel,

How do you know when you need a master cylinder?

When your boyfriend has sex with someone else. :(its happens to my best friend

Is it possible to lose your YouTube account?

yes. here are 2 ways: 1.) If YouTube finds out your to young. 2.) If someone hacks your account and changes the password. (this would have to be a 'friend' that knows the password to your account.)

Who is katvampire123 on YouTube?

Katvampire123 is someone who on YouTube

What to do when your best friend makes friends with someone else to get rid of you?

You say "Best friend" but, if they were your best friend they wouldn't do this to you. I would try & move on, make new friends then see what happens.

How to string a lacrosse stick?

go onto to youtube or buy a manual or have someone do it for you at a lacrosse store.Or you can just find a friend who wont whack you in the head