Yes sometimes that is a symptom of PMS because when the uterus contracts it pushes on the bladder and makes you have to pee more
mine grew a lot before my period so i think it doesn't matter
This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much. This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much. This just means that your period is coming down lot. but you do not need to worry your self to much.
Yes it's normal.
well u propably would vomit if u ate a lot of candy, but its probably because u have a sensitive stomach on your period. well u propably would vomit if u ate a lot of candy, but its probably because u have a sensitive stomach on your period.
Because your body is preparing to carry a child.
The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.
I'm confused. You had sex 4 days before your period and had the period...yet you are asking if you can conceive? You already had your period! Your lining builds up starting after you've finished your period, meaning that you have the lowest chance right after. Speaking in terms of graphs, it peaks a few days before you actually start your period and goes back down right before, but not a lot.
Drink lot of water!!Eat Guava
condoms are a lot safer
If it's yellow or clear it's most likely to be vaginal discharge. This arrives 6 months to a year before your first period but it can take longer.
Could mean your pregnant that’s what first comes to mind but it could be any number of things or just nothing a lot of woman and I mean a lot have irregular periods
discharge has its own mind, it could mean your getting your period and it could not. because once you do get your period it can happen before the period or after or just randomly during the month