Yes. Tattoos and other body mods will damage your body ability to hold and use chi power.
Aura storm. He generates a HUGE beam of aura, and if you touch it, you will be stuck in the laser, taking damage until the beam disappears. to be precise he shouts out "watch the power of aura" and then jumps to the top of the screen and unleashes a a massive aura wave. the final part of the beam sends out a massive shockwave to the people caught in it which sends them flying the more damage lucario takes the beam goes even wider than it is when he has no damage at all shhhh its a secret!
it does damage to the skin Some are tasteless and should not be seen by children. Some tattoos are a work of art. The colors fade with age. Tattoos gotten on a whim last for a life time.
Aura-Aura Climber was created on 2010-02-22.
you can get tattoos wherever you want...there are none of the parts of the body that a tattoo can damage it
Yes, tatoo's damage your skin because it can damage your skin with the sharp needle and it can make your skin go red and you could start itching it and it burns.
Aura Lee goes by Aura.
your mums a aura
Human beings have aura, and you can see it. But, ghosts are said not to have aura, because they are not alive, but when you see aura and it is not from you or any other human, then there is a ghost near by. Ghosts do indeed have aura.
The word "aura" exists in latin, meaning air or breeze. The English meaning of aura, I believe, would translate to spiritus.
he is a aura Pokemon