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Q: Complications of smoking marijuana after liposuction?
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Related questions

What Effect does smoking marijuana have on healing after liposuction?

Smoking of any kind inhibits the bodies natural abilities to heal itself. The body is a constant fight with the toxins being taken in on a daily bases. Smoking also is a source of premature aging.

What are possible complications of having thigh liposuction?

The possible complications of thigh liposuction are similar to those of any type of liposuction. Complications include negative reactions to anesthesia, nerve damage, blood clots (which can be deadly), adverse reactions to medications, and permanent disfigurement of the thighs.

What is the percentage of someone dying from smoking marijuana?

You cannot die from smoking marijuana.

Does smoking Marijuana deplete Vitamin D in the body?

Smoking marijuana is awesome

What kind of complications can arise from having a liposuction?

There are different kinds of complications that can arise from having a liposuction surgery. The complications can be from a local skin infection to death. There are many complications in between local skin infection and death also, such as, lumps and bumps, blood clots, scarring, loss of sensation and wrinkling of skin.

Does smoking marijuana cause ED?

no, smoking marijuana actally can help you get an erection easier most of the time

How long can marijuana be detected in new growth after you quit smoking?

I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

When did Jake T Austin begin smoking marijuana?

Justin is rumored of smoking weed. He does not smoke marijuana.

How can you get rid of red eyes after smoking marijuana?

By not smoking it

Does smoking marijuana make you spit?

Smoking marijuana makes you swallow, happy as high and hungry :'D

Does ultrasonic liposuction work?

Yes, Ultrasonic liposuction does work wonders for people with a lot of weight to lose. It is very safe and effective and does not have any serious complications.

How long does it take for a person smoking marijuana to give you cancer?

Smoking marijuana doesn't give you cancer any faster than smoking cigarettes.