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It's unlikely but not impossible.

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Q: Can you be pregante with your period coming like it is supposed to every month?
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What does it mean when your period comes two times?

It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.

Why do you get your period every two weeks and its light and last like three day's?

Your supposed to get it every four weeks or 28 days and its light at the last thre days because your finishing your period

Are you supposed to be on your period the whole time on depo?

No. Every person is different, but this would unusual. You should talk to your doctor.

Why do I have a period every 14 days and yet I do not ovulate?

Periods are supposed to occur every 28 days. if yours occurs every 14 days, I would see a gynocologist.

If a woman gets two periods will she miss a period the following month?

A women is supposed to have only one period every month, so if she has two in a month which is rare the chances are that she may not have a period the following month.

Why would someone have their period every month?

you are supposed to have your period every single month to shed the layer that would have protected your baby in the womb. When it is no longer needed it leaves through the vagina and the same will happen next month. So you should have your period every single month (unless on a medication that changes your cycle). If you don't have your period every month i would suggest seeing a doctor to talk about it.

Can you ask biased questions during an interview?

No you cannot. An interview is supposed to be a professional meeting where every person coming for the job has an equal chance of getting it.

How often are you supposed to get your period?

Most women get their period every 28 days (about once a month) and it usually lasts 5 to 7 days

Do you get your period every 4 weeks?

Most often, no. The supposed "normal" length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days but most women will have shorter or longer cycles.

Is your period supposed to start on the same day every time?

No, it is perfectly common to come a day off of your scheduled time whether your engaging in sexual activities or not.

Is it normal for your first period to be white?

The white, liquid,clearish thing that comes out from your vagina is not a period. It's called a discharge and you get it when your close to your period,sexually active, or just cleaning your body. It is normal to get it and it is also normal to get it every single day! I got my period like 2 months after I got my discharge. but when my period was coming, the discharge was thick, and was coming out than before. If your period is coming soon and your at school, you better bring pads (or any other period materials) into your backpack or your locker so when you get it, you can just put it on. Hope this helped!-Webcasey

Period help I got my period 28 days ago and I got surgery on Monday is it normal that I haven't gotten my period yet I usually get it every 28 days and I was supposed to be getting it yesterday?

Sometimes, a woman can miss her period or be late if they are under extreme stress. Maybe the stress of the surgery is keeping the period away.