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It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.

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Q: What does it mean when your period comes two times?
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Your preggo.

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What does it mean if you haven't had your period for two months?

you will never have your period.

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What comes two times a year and it wakes at night and goes to bed in the morning?

Does Doxycycline affect your period?

Yes it does, comes after two weeks but not very heavy

What does it mean when your period is on for two weeks then goes off but comes back on after sex?

well for the most part this is normal you were having your regular period except for the extra week you might want to ask your doctor about your extra period week and the period after sex is also normal happens all the time.

How many times do you press the space bar after a period when used an abbreviation?

Two times

What does it mean when you have your period for two weeks?

That's an irregular period. Birth control can be recommended to help regulate your period.

What does it mean when you period goes off and on for two days and your crampin?

Two days? That's your period. I hear it last around a week..

What can you tell about an atom that comes from a period 2?

It has two electronic shell and its highest quantum no is 2

What does time mean in science?

period between two events

What does it mean to miss your period by two weeks then get your period for a day?

This may mean that you period is irregular which you should go to your doctor and it may be a smart idea to take a pregnancy testy