Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)
Chances are Good. In fact you may already be pregnant, which is why you aren't having a period.
Yes, it happens to people who swim for no logical reason at all.
yes it can take 6 months to normalize your flow and 3 years to get pregnant. so relax and good luck Joymaker rn
If this is unusual for you, see a physician.
If you mean constant menstruation over the duration of the two months, then no. You should probably see a gynocologist.
When you are just beginning to get periods (first few years) you may miss a few. It is completely normal. The only other thing is, if you miss periods, you could be pregnant (if you have had sex obviously!) If you havent, its normal
Your best bet is to test. PMS and Pregnancy symptoms are very similar that it is easy to confuse the two. Just because you havent gotten your period doesnt not necessarily mean you are pregnant. TEST You can have spotting while pregnant. Its is quite common. On rare occasions a women will have what seems to be her period the first couple of months.
Why haven't i gotten my period for two months? can it be do to stress? or something else? i have the mirena... for a year now....
It simply means that you missed your periods for two months - chances are you did not ovulate those two months, it's normal for ovulation to be delayed if you're young or if you're experiencing poor health - the third month your cycles returned to normal, and hopefully they remain so.
Yes you can have your period!
A bimester is a period of two months.