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i think that you should try going to a gp are you stressed

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Q: You are two weeks late on your period but you have had 3 pregnancy tests that came back negative does that mean you are pregnant?
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I didnt get my period last month and i took 2 pregnancy test and both came out positive What are the chances that im not pregnant?

I'm not a doctor, but I sincerely have to say "not good". The fact that both pregnancy tests say positive, as long as you did them right, then your mathematical chances are all but 100%.

If you took a pregnancy test and it said positive but you still have you period and cramps what does that mean?

Well, since there's really no false positive tests, if your cramping and bleeding either like a normal cycle or moreso then it might be that your body is trying to reject the pregnancy and you may be miscarrying (it's what happened in my first pregnancy as well as with my SIL's ectopic pregnancy). I would see a doctor right away just to be safe.

The Difference Between a Qualitative and Quantitative Pregnancy Test?

A pregnancy test can be performed early in pregnancy to predict conception or gestational age. Urine-based pregnancy tests detect pregnancy hormones in urine for a positive or negative result. Blood tests measure how much of a pregnancy hormone is present.Qualitative Pregnancy Test – UrineHome pregnancy test kits and urine pregnancy tests given by a physician are qualitative. Qualitative refers to the method of diagnosing pregnancy. Urine tests measure the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. If hCG is present, the test results are positive. If no hCG is found in urine, the test will be negative.False negatives are more common with a urine pregnancy test than false positives. False negatives can be caused by frequent urination due to high fluid intake and miscalculated start day of current menstrual cycle. False positives are typically linked to fertility treatments and prescription medications that include hCG as a means of increasing chance of conception.Quantitative Pregnancy Test – BloodA blood pregnancy test can be ordered as early as five to 10 days after unprotected intercourse. Blood pregnancy tests measure hCG levels in quantity rather than just a true or false result. Quantities can then be compared to normal levels as a means of gestational age prediction. In some cases, quantitative pregnant test results are higher than normal. Normal hCG levels at five weeks gestation fall between 18 and 7,340 mlU / ml. Measurements at the higher end of the range could mean medical issues with the pregnancy or multiple fetuses. Blood hCG levels will continue to rise until peaking between nine and 12 weeks gestation. After the 12th week, levels gradually fall until birth.Medical Treatment and Pregnancy TestDue to the possibility of false negative pregnancy test results, women who believe they may be pregnant should exercise caution when taking prescription and over the counter medications deemed unsafe during pregnancy. Diagnostic testing, such as X-rays and radiation-based testing should only be performed when medically necessary. Precautions include lead aprons placed over the abdominal area during X-rays. Prescription medications fall into pregnancy categories based on clinical testing and results. Categories include A, B, C, D and X.Category A drugs have been thoroughly tested for use during pregnancy and deemed safe. Category B is designated after animal testing revealed no signs of fetal harm. Category C may be linked to fetal damage in animal testing. Category D includes drugs proven to cause harm to a human fetus, but benefits from medications in this category could outweigh risks. Category X is reserved for medications that should never be used during pregnancy.

Is it possible to get 3 false positives in a roll... I'm about 7 days late I took 3 hpt and all 3 were positive... so it possible that all 3 tests were false positives.. help?

hi, all positive test are accurate, only negative test are not reliable.but if you had 3 test and all came up positive then yes you are defenately pregnant. best of luck...

Is Paired samples T-test an example of nonparametric tests?

A paired samples t-test is an example of parametric (not nonparametric) tests.

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You took a pregnancy a day before your period and it came back negative Does that mean im really not pregnant?

Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.

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You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.

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your not suppose to get your period when your on that

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You could be pregnant, but if I were you, I'd go straight to my doctor.

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You should see a Doctor, you may have a growth or tumor that needs attention.

Can you still be pregnant if 3 pregnancy tests have all been negative?

i know i took two tests and i was pregnant

What if you are pregnant and had your period and you take 5 pregnancy tests where all negative?

You need to see a doctor. It is possible that you have miscarried, but only scans and blood tests will tell for sure.

Do pregnancy tests often come out negative in early pregnancy?

I have had two children and both times my tests didn't show I was pregnant until I was atleast 3 weeks pregnant You usually aren't supposed to take a pregnancy test until your first missed period to get the best results.

Can you have negative pregnancy test and period but still be pregnant?

There are always pregnancy tests that can show up negative and you can still be pregnant. The best thing to do is check with your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test. Remember though even the doctor's test can even be wrong. There is not one single pregnancy test that is always 100% correct.

I took a pregnancy test twice and it came out negative but i haven't had a period in 4 weeks am i pregnant?

If the pregnancy test came out negative, then chances are, you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are very acurate. You may also be missing your period because of stress or you worrying to much about he fact of being pregnant. If you are still worried about being pregnant wait another couple of weeks, and take another pregnancy test. Hope everything turns out as planned.

Can you still be pregnant with 8 negative pregnancy tests?

Yes, but that is a small chance.

Can you have no period and negative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

It is possible to have a negative pregnancy test and still be pregnant if the test is taken too early or if there are issues with the test itself. Additionally, missed periods can be due to factors other than pregnancy, such as stress, hormonal imbalances, or medical conditions. If you suspect you may be pregnant despite negative tests, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.