Yes you could be pregnant, the regular tests may not be sensitive enough to pick up the hormone. You can take another test when you miss your period to confirm it. hope this helps.
I am two months late and i have taken a test sometimes twice a week and they say negative. what is going on?
Home pregnancy tests are not 100% sensitive, so yes there is a chance that you are pregnant. If that's the case, then the negative result you got the first time is a false negative. It is best to use the serum test which detects B-hCG levels in the blood.
You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.
Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.
You can get pregnant a week before your period, the week of your period, and the week after your period, and some pregnancy tests are faulty.
Who's pregnancy test? Yours?
If you are not pregnant, yes.
. . . means that you arent pregnant.
No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.
Depends. Why aren't you having periods? A period is not necessary for pregnancy. Some women are "constantly" pregnant; that is they get pregnant after each birth before they have a period. (Each period is the result of not getting pregnant.)
You are pregnant
Most people have a last period before they are pregnant. Some even have a period while they are pregnant.
Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period
Having your period means you aren't pregnant
Your period shouldn't affect the test! There is really no point in doing a pregnancy test during a period. Usually, if you are having a period you are not pregnant. A pregnancy test senses the BHCG hormone so your period should not affect it.