Blaziken learns Brave Bird at level 49 and Flare Blitz at level 66.
Mines lv80 it knows solarbeam earthquake blast burn and focus blast. You can teach it fire blast if you can't teach it blast burn . i'd recoomend teaching it sunny day for bertha then your solarbeam doesn't need to charge. catch a water type and or a grass type, forget the hm moves the only decent hm moves are surf and fly. or mine has close combat blast burn earthquake poison jab. I'm trying to teach it flare blitz instead of blast burn, though.
You should teach it based on your Infernape's stats. Most Infernape have good speed, special attack, and attack. More of them have good special attack. A good set would be moves that cover its weaknesses too. Infernape is very frail at its defenses. A move should be able to take down a strong Pokemon with one shot. For example, Infernape can knock out a Staraptor or Pidgeotto with Stone Edge. So I recommend: Flare Blitz/Burn Blast, Focus Blast/Close Combat, Stone Edge/Rock slide, and Earthquake/Thunderpunch. I prefer Earthquake due to its abilty to hurt Dewgong or Entei which might use Dive or Dig to take down Infernape. GOod luck!
There are 2 Move Tutors in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. One is in Pastoria City. The other is in some sort of route I can't remember the name of. The second Move Tutor will only teach a specific move to a specific Pokémon. If you have a Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile or Torterra, he will teach it Frenzy Plant. If you have a Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken or Infernape, he will teach it Blastburn. If you have Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert or Empoleon, he will teach it Hydro Cannon. The First Move Tutor requires a Heart Scale for his services. They can be obtained in the Sinnoh Underground. They are very rare, though I found 4 in 2 days ; )
Jess Teach
You got a good team I think. * Empoleon is a Water and Steel type, strong against Fire, Rock, and Ground * Blaziken is a Fire and Fighting type, strong against Grass, Normal, and Dark, Rock * Dragonite is a Dragon Type, strong against most, except Ice and Dragon * Ambipom is a Normal type, could teach is most attacks. (EX: Ice punch or Fire punch) * Lucario is a Fighting and Steel type, strong against Normal, Dark, Rock, and Electric * Syther is a Bug and Flying type, strong against Grass, Fighting. So, I think you got a good team there. Just keep training is the best advice I can say.
well if you want a straight answer you should teach it neither and teach it splash
Well it really depends on how you plan on using Blaziken but if you just want some general moves that are all around good for Blaziken I would say Flare Blitz and Sky Uppercut are definitely worth using for a Same Type Attack Boost and also possibly Brave Bird for type coverage or Thunderpunch to take care of Flyers and Water types as your attacking moves. After your attacking moves I would suggest including Bulk Up to beef up the amount of damage your attacks would do as well as increase your defense. All things considered I would narrow it to this: Flare Blitz Sky Uppercut Thunderpunch Bulk Up ~Blaze also you might want it to hold something like a shellbell for when it uses flare blits and instead of bulk up teach it swords dance because it raises its attack more
Charizard can't learn flare blitz because its not a move, maybe your talking about Blast burn it needs to be level 50 to learn it then go to two island and go north to a house go in and talk to the lady show her your charizard and she will teach it blast burn.
go to lilycove department and buy the TM which includes something to do with fire (it is fire blast). then teach it to blaziken.
Blaziken can't learn close combat.
Sorry. Blaziken is the only Fire type starter that does not learn Blast Burn
If you can, teach a stronger fire attack, like overheat, flamethrower, or fireblast. But if you can't teach him one of those, then teach it flame wheelIs this competitive?If it is then have this set252 attack/252 speed/6 HpLife Orb-Swords dance-Mach Punch/Stone Edge-Close Combat-Fire Punch/Blaze KickIf not then get thisClose Combat, Earthquake/Stone Edge, flamethrower/Fire blast,Grass Knot (for bertha of elite 4)
best be iiz to crossbeed smeargle that knows thunderpunch and niight slash with blaziken and youl get a torchic that knowz nightslash
You have to use the TM to teach Blaziken Earthquake.
Go to Blackthorn City and go inside the house right next to the Pokemart. Talk to the old man and he will teach your Blaziken Blast Burn, but only if it has full happiness.
Pidgeot cannot learn Brave Bird.
Mines lv80 it knows solarbeam earthquake blast burn and focus blast. You can teach it fire blast if you can't teach it blast burn . i'd recoomend teaching it sunny day for bertha then your solarbeam doesn't need to charge. catch a water type and or a grass type, forget the hm moves the only decent hm moves are surf and fly. or mine has close combat blast burn earthquake poison jab. I'm trying to teach it flare blitz instead of blast burn, though.