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If your period occurs more often than every 21 days you need to see a doctor.....really you do. This could be happening for any number of reasons and I think it would be unprofessional to speculate. A proper detailed medical history (past and present) needs to be taken by a doctor and also a physical examination....Please see a doctor....Don't take advice about this over the internet.

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Q: Why is it that you get your period two times a month is that normal?
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You had two periods last month and missed your period this month?

If you're in the first 1-2 years of your period, it's normal. If not, call a doctor.

Is it normal for your period to be behind a few weeks if you startd for the first time the month before?

no, it is normal. when you start your period for the first time it takes a year or two to become a normal cycle.

What does it mean when your period comes two times?

It means that you had your period twice. You're supposed to menstruate around every month.

What does it mean when you miss your period for two months and then get your period the third month?

It simply means that you missed your periods for two months - chances are you did not ovulate those two months, it's normal for ovulation to be delayed if you're young or if you're experiencing poor health - the third month your cycles returned to normal, and hopefully they remain so.

If a woman gets two periods will she miss a period the following month?

A women is supposed to have only one period every month, so if she has two in a month which is rare the chances are that she may not have a period the following month.

You have got period pains on the first day of your missed period as you are trying to get pregnant why is that?

Its totally normal i have had the implant and haven't had a period for two and a half years but every month i get the cramps, bloating and other symptoms

Do you need special treatment after your two ovaries have being removed?

the other ovary picks up the slack. it should in no way effect your overall estrogen levels. and you should have a period every month. it may be lighter but you should have a normal period once a month.

Is it normal after IUD removal to not have a period for two months and then have one that lasts a month and counting?

NO! IUDs can have terrible side effects, and you need to see your doctor immediately!

Can a women have two period and 1 month?

It can be possible that a woman can have a period twice in one month. I would talk to a doctor.

Is it normal to have menstruation two times a month?

menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 days. Changes from month to month are also normal. So having your menstruation 2 times a month is normal as long as its around 3 weeks apart. If not there may be other disorders.... My menstruation is 21 days apart and can go as short as 3 days and as long as 8 days. there is nothing abnormal about it. Alot of my friends has the same condition :)

Do you bleed a lot if you leave the two month injection?

Is it normal to bleed a lot if you leave the two month injection

You are two days late you have a bit of period pain but no period also sore breasts is this normal?

it probaly is normal