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NO! IUDs can have terrible side effects, and you need to see your doctor immediately!

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Q: Is it normal after IUD removal to not have a period for two months and then have one that lasts a month and counting?
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Normal for delay period after IUD removal?

Each person has a different delay period after having an IUD removed. Some people may have a normal period right after the removal while others may not for up to a year. A doctor will need to be seen to make sure everything is okay with the delayed period.

Is it normal after IUD removal to have normal periods for three months then spotting the fourth month?

Your menstrual pattern four months after IUD removal is not related to the IUD. Take a pregnancy test, since your period in the fourth month without birth control was only spotting. If you continue to have spotty periods even with a negative pregnancy test, you can call your health care provider for advice if it's concerning to you.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 months?

No unless something is wrong with you

Is it normal to skip your period for two months when you first got it?

Yes, it's normal. You might not be regular for maybe months or years. I got my period when I turned 13 and I am now 19 and still dont have a regular period.

Had a baby 11weeks ago when should you get your period is this normal not to have your period yet?

If you are breast feeding it can take months. My son was 10 months old when I got my period back.

Is it normal to miss your next period or have an irregular cycle after stopping taking the pill?

Yes this is normal. Your period should return to a normal cycle within 3 months.

Is it normal to start you period at age 13 and 2 months?


Which young animal develope longer inside the mothers womb an elephant or girrafe?

The normal gestation period for elephants is about 22 months. For giraffes, on the other hand, the normal gestation period is 15 months.

Is a three day period normal you usually have a 5 day period but for last three months you have been having a three day period Is that normal as you plan to have baby?

yes a normal period can be 3-5 day or longer :) x

Is it normal to have your period while you are pregnant?

Is it normal?No. It is NOT normal to have your period at this time. YES you can have a period while pregnant. Some women don't realise they are pregnant til a few months gone because they have gotten their period. Get checked out by a doctor immediately!

Is It normal to get a period for 3 months regular then miss a period you are not pregnant and you were on the shot back in July?

i have been on the depot shot for three months my period did not come the fourth month what should i do