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Yes, it's normal. You might not be regular for maybe months or years. I got my period when I turned 13 and I am now 19 and still dont have a regular period.

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Q: Is it normal to skip your period for two months when you first got it?
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Can girls skip their period?

Yes, all girls can skip their period... its relativly normal.. sometimes girls have their period one month and skip like 2 months until they get there next it definatly depends on the person tooo

What if you haven't started your period for four months?

Everyone is different, and sometimes girls may skip a month. If you recently started your period or in this case your period was 4 months ago and it was your first time, that is normal. From my first to second period ever, I went 2 months. Again, everyone is different, and if it reaches 6 months of not having it, I would maybe consider going to the doctor.

When you first start your period and are a virgin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

That's perfectly normal. During the first one to two years, periods can be very irregular. You may skip one or two months, or have one light period, and a heavy one next. If you miss more than three periods in a row, though, I suggest seeing your doctor.

Is it normal for your period to skip 2 months in a row?

no, you are probably pregnant. depending on your body fat percentage it happens.

Is it normal to skip your period?

It is normal to skip your period due to hormonal fluctuations. Of course you could also be pregnant if you are sexually active. If you are concerned, see your doctor.

When you first start your period and are a vigin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

When your period first starts it is really irratic so it coming really close together or far apart is normal. It will even out eventually.

Do you go back to normal after your first period?

Not sure what you mean back to normal. You will have your period every months until you hit menopause sometimes in your 50's. Sometimes it can skip a month and in the beginning it can take up to 2 years until it becomes regular. Your body will be more of a woman's because you are in puberty.

Can you skip sugar pills two months in a row?

Yes, you can skip the sugar pills multiple months in a row. I always skip my sugar pills for three months. Women don't actually need to have their period as often as we do.

Is it normal to skip the first period after using the nuvaring?

Breakthrough bleeding may last for days or weeks when you skip a period with hormonal birth control. Typically, it just lasts for a few days.

Can you skip your period if you only take birth control two months then get off of it?

Hi, Yes you can skip your period but it's advisable that you perform a pregnancy test.

Can you skip a period?

Yes. It is normal for teens and middle-aged adults.

Is it normal to skip periods after coming off of medication that caused your period to stop?

yes, it takes at least 6 months to 2 years to straighten out. No action on your part required.