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When your period first starts it is really irratic so it coming really close together or far apart is normal. It will even out eventually.

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Q: When you first start your period and are a vigin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?
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Can you have period cramps when your not on your period?

Yes. It is possible anytime to get period cramps.

Does early pregnancy bleeding involve cramps?

I had early pregnancy bleeding and cramps at about 3 days after i discovered i was pregnant, i was about 4 weeks gone, the cramps were really bad, felt like bad period pains and it was all in the bottom of my back, it stopped after 4 days and everything is fine still

When you first start your period and are a virgin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

That's perfectly normal. During the first one to two years, periods can be very irregular. You may skip one or two months, or have one light period, and a heavy one next. If you miss more than three periods in a row, though, I suggest seeing your doctor.

Is cramping normal in second trimester?

Yes it can be normal, i had it quite badly. It was the ligaments and your uterus stretching to accomodate the growing baby!If it really bothers you, check with your Dr. ---- I myself usually get cramping at night. Sometimes they feel like period cramps. When I wake up in the morning I feel like the baby has grown! It's normal as long as it's not severe and no bleeding.

Are miscarriages always really painful?

No. My wife had a miscarriage and she said it was just like having a very heavy period with more than normal cramps.

When you first start your period and your not a virgin is it still normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

If you've just started your period, especially if you are sexually active (God you are so young), you need to get established with a doctor for regular female check ups, and maybe some birthcontrol. I would not say that it is abnormal, but you should start taking care of yourself.

If you got Implantation bleeding on the 2nd may got a period 2 weeks later which came early and had no cramps which is not normal for me could i be pregnant?

It is possible that you could be pregnant, especially if the bleeding was light and different from your usual period. Consider taking a pregnancy test for more definitive results and consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

I had light bleeding for 4 days then had normal period on day 5 my nx period was really painfull what does this mean?

Your period actually started on the first 4 days and the pain was probably cramps. For many women this is normal. My guess is that you may also have PMS a week or so before your period and a few days after. If you have headaches, backaches, food cravings, swelling, sore breasts this is PMS. You can help yourself by watching sugar and caffeine intake in or around this time, take B6, and get some excerise. Over the counter pills for periods can also help and when the cramps start drink hot tea and put a heating pad on your lower back.

I feel really bloated and my period isn't until two weeks is that normal?

Sometimes I get that way & will even have cramps too! Usually when this happens, I will have a really short, light period. I wouldn't worry about it, your body is just storing the water it will need a little early.

How does it feel wen a girl is on their period?

Bad cuz some girls Get really bad cramps that they can't even get out of bed or walk is really painful. I HATE CRAMPS>=[

Pregnancy just after periods?

completely normal some women think that bleeding that just experienced as their menstrual cycle when it is really implantation bleeding. however conception right after your period is not rare but it doesnt happen often

If you have a miscarriage what's the least amount of time of pregnancy before you would need to go to a doctor for him to clean you out?

I am sorry to hear of your loss. It is not really an amount of time, but how complete the miscarriage is. The earlier the miscarriage the more likely it is to be complete. If you lose what appears to be a complete sac and the bleeding and cramps are no worse than a period then you can deal with this at home. If bleeding and/or cramps are severe either go to the doctor or to the emergency department of a hospital.