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really it all depends on your body. I was on it for a while and stopped taking them, my period was actually like a normal cycle.

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Q: How long does withdrawal bleeding last when you stop taking the pill?
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I finished up my last birth control pack with the 4 inactive pills and then stopped taking them. I had sex twice on two days after my last pill. what are the chances of pregnancy?

It really depends on what pills you were using and possibly even how long you were taking them. If you had not yet had withdrawal bleeding the chance would have been pretty small, but honestly this is a guess on my part.

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You are protected from pregnancy once you have taken 7 pills in 7 days. The withdrawal bleeding will depend on how your body reacts to the BCP. Some women have no bleeding, others spot continually for their first couple months of taking The Pill, others will have a few days of bleeding when they start taking the inactive pills in their packet.

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You can have nausea, trouble sleeping, ect if you stop taking seroquel suddenly. You should talk to your doctor if you want to stop taking it, and he will lower your dosage slowly, as to avoid side affects and withdrawal symptoms.

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No, the actual process of taking the acid will not produce withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms appear when someone is trying to quit the drug, or go 'cold turkey.' quitting the use of any drug will cause withdrawal symptoms, it just depends on how often you used the drug, and for how long, to how severe the symptoms will be, and how long they will last for.

If you stop taking Yaz 5 days into the pack also 5 days after start of normal menstruation and heavy withdrawal bleeding starts how long does the bleeding continue?

This is happening to me right now... so far 7 days, but it is not lightening up. I missed 2 pills and re-started my period 6 days into my new pack. I am told that heavy bleeding could last up to two weeks.

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A headache related to nicotine withdrawal will usually last up to 48 hours.

You just started to take the pill and a week later you started to breakthrough bleed and it is on and off and now that you are almost done with the pack how long does breakthrough bleeeding last for?

Hello, Birth control should not cause you to experience withdrawal bleeding UNLESS you have recently stopped taking birth control. Because you've just started taking BCP and you're experiencing withdrawal bleeding, this most likely means the doseage of birth control is not suitable for you or you need a different form of birth control. See your Doctor and meanwhile use a condom for protection until you've got a new birth control and have been taking it for one month.

When you begin taking the pill on your first day of bleeding How long will the period afterwards last?

If you just started the pill your bleeding with probably last however long it did before you started taking the pill. Your next period however will most likely last around 5 days. The pill helps to regulate your period, and it does a great job! But since the first pills you take when you are bleeding are basically placebos your body wont change until you go through almost a whole pack.

How long will your period continue for after you stop taking the pill?

It depends on the type.The Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill lasts between 1 and 4 days.The Progestogen-Only Pill or Progestin-Only Pilllasts a day.Ormeloxifene or Centchroman last a month but is less widely used.