No. My wife had a miscarriage and she said it was just like having a very heavy period with more than normal cramps.
Nope. Not even close. It depends I have had 3 miscarriages and 1 successful pregnancy. One of the 3 miscarriages was EXTREMELY painful. Definately comparable to my birth but the pain didn't last as long. It WAS like labour. But my other 2 miscarriages were not as painful. One was not painful at all. It also has nothing to do with how pregnant you are. The painful one, I was only 9 weeks pregnant, the one that was almost not painful at all, I was almost 12 weeks.
No, miscarriages early on sometimes dont hurt.
A needle through your stomach to take a sample of the amniotic fluid, very painful and is very dangerous for baby as has a high chance of causing miscarriages.
Pain is really Nagato.
2 miscarriages
It's not really painful but it makes life a lot harder than for a "normal person" and makes you really tired.
If it is painful you are probably not wet or swollen and aroused enough. The clitoris and labia has to be taken care of first, otherwise she will probably not be aroused enough. Never stick anything in unless she is really wet. And be gentle!
no not at all!!
St. Catherine of Sienna is the patron saint of preventing miscarriages.
Paresthesia can be mild to moderate painful. The pain can sustain for days and months.
Really PAINFUL.. like having A heart attack ;) LOL IM Serious -_-