Bad cuz some girls Get really bad cramps that they can't even get out of bed or walk is really painful. I HATE CRAMPS>=[
If a girl has her period it all she is not pregnant. Irregularities in when the girl starts her period are a natural phenomena. the only way to control is, is by using the anticonception pill, but "the girl" has to see her doctor about that.
It may feel like you are urinating.
It differs depending on how much you bleed but yes, when there's a lot you can feel it getting warm.
After a girls period! Unless you like to have bloody vagina lining on your penis during sex.
you start to feel your lower abdomen ache and crampy.. and you start bleeding!
supposedly bt ure nvr actually a teenage girl until u get ure period so da moment u get ure period dts wen u become a teenage girl
Wen Wen Han
Wen Wen Han
wen a girl feels happy say with a guy she likes she most likely wants to be with him for a long time or forever and she wants to stay happy
No, you can get pregnant at any timeyeaHI MY NAME IS boneshaqutialafonaNO U CAN GET PREGANT WEN UR NOT ON UR PERIOD OR WEN U R ON UR PERIOD.
Wen Wen Han plas as Mei Ying
Wen a man fingers him self
Ye Shi Wen is a girl. She is a Chinese swimmer who won multiple gold medals at the 2012 Olympics.
wen a girl shoves a finger up ur butt wen a girl shoves a finger up ur butt
wen you feel that she is the one, the only one and nothing will ever com between you as a cupple or just friends
Her name is 'Wen Wen Han'. ( The Karate Kid [2012] )
its called lesbians