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It may feel like you are urinating.

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Q: What does it feel like when a girl squirts?
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Do guys like it when a girl squirts when she cums?

Guys generally have a feeling of "accomplishment" or success when a girl has an orgasm during sex.

How do you know when a girl squirts?

They get really horny.

Does sperm fell like pea?

You just feel a lot of pleasure and the speem shoots out in little squirts for five seconds. But no, it doesn't feel like pee. It's better

Is it bad when a girl squirts?

That would fall within your preview with your conundrums with philosophy. To simply put. "What ever you think is, is.". I don't know, but it's pretty damn gross.

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Like a Pen15, it squirts out in its climax.XD IN THE FACE Like a Pen15, it squirts out in its climax.XD IN THE FACE

What is it when a girl squirts?

It is your natural lubricant you produce when sexually aroused(orgasm).

When a woman squirts beside feeling like your going to pee does the fluid feel hot?

That fluid does feel hot, but not more than 27 degrees C. The fluid is hot becuase of the body temperature only.

What does a kiss from a girl feel like?

It depends on who you are. Ask a girl that has kissed another girl what it feels like.

How girl feel holding pee?

They feel pressure in the bladder, like they have to go. when a girl has to pee really bad she starts to feel pressure in the lower abdomen.

Should you go for the girl?

If that girl makes you feel live heaven . That girl gives you goosebumps. That girl makes you feel like damn this is it then go for her.

When a woman squirts during sex is it real or did she just pee to make it look like squirting?

You just have to know the girl and trust her but I would assume she isn't faking....

Do guys get grossed out when a girl squirts?

helll na they love itt lemme tell yu (: