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After a girls period! Unless you like to have bloody vagina lining on your penis during sex.

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Q: Should you put the penis in the vagina during a girl's period or after?
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Is their a lizard that can go up a girls vagina when on their period?

No lizard should ever go up a girl's vagina.

Why do girls have two butt cracks?

There are 3 things. urethra: pee vagina: period and babies anus: crap boys have all exept the vagina. during reproduction the penis goes into the vagina.

Can you lick a girls vagina during her period?

no. i don't think so. You can if you want blood all over your face and in your mouth.

Is it normal for a girls vagina to swell before she starts her period?

No, you should probably talk to your doctor about the swelling... Just saying.

What girls have the tightest vaginas?

The vagina is elastic so it's up to the individual. How much sex she has had or nationality or ethnicity makes no difference. The vagina will increase in size during sexual arousal and during pregnancy. After delivering a baby, the mother's vagina should return to its original size within a six month period. Check out the related link for more information on the topic.

How girls got periods?

Girls have had periods since well, ever! A period is when blood is realised out of a girls vagina. That's it basically

How can you tell when you had a period?

When you have a period you usually get tummy cramps once in a while and at the same time red substance comes out of your vagina. It can be rust colored or even bright red. Its natural for all girls during puberty.

Why do girls have to have their period every month?

girls have their period because the blood sheds from a nest that is building in your stomach that the baby will lay on when (or if) you have a baby. the blood sheds and comes out your vagina.

Do girls have lumps behind there nipple?

Girls go threw a lot during the ages 9 and 15 they go threw puberty boys get it to but girls go threw a lot more they bleed from the vagina witch is call a period and the lumps behind there called breast or boobs that's another part of puberty for girls they go threw mood swings they can get very grumpy during puberty or there period so watch out lol.

Why do girls get discharge?

most girls get it cause they are on they way to their period and it also can be if someone have already had their period it can be old blood and if it itches your vagina it can be an infection hoped i helped you if it is a brownish color it can mean you have std.

What should a guy call a girls vagina?

If he is crass enough to discuss it with someone who is wise enough not to associate herself with him, it would be best to refer to her vagina as a vagina.

What color is a girls period?

RED coz when periods start blood comes out of your vagina! And blood is red right.