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ususally at 14-16 yrs old is when they start.

that is incorrect ^.

Girls start at all ages, normally about 12 which is a great age to get your period. howveer there are lots more ages you can start. i got mine at 10! that is quite early. but you can start anytime between 8-16 if earlier of later see a doctor. GOOD LUCK GIRLS :)

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Q: When do girls normally get their period?
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When do girls get their mentrual period?

Girsl can get their period from age 10-18 but normally when they are in middle school.

How many years after girls enter puberty will they get their period?

I would say about between the ages of 11 and 13

Why do girls not get a period?

All girls get the period

Why do some girls not get a period?

All girls get the period

How long does a girl's period last?

It can be for a day to two day and so on depending on different girls... Your period can me a week ,then on your next one can be just two days.

What are do girls start their periods normally?

Girls can possibly start there period when there 11 or 12. That's a phrase of puberty or a process of " dirty " blood to process out of you body. I'm 11 and I started my period Happens 1 or 2 times a month To me 2 time happens

Why do girls wearing a dipers?

girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts.

When do girls usually start here period?

It depends on when your mother had hers as it is usually the same. But it is different for everyone. Normally you would start between 11 and 15.

How long is a period for girls?

Up to 7days but every girls period varies.

Who are normally physically fit between boys and girls?

boys are normally physically fit than girls cause boys normally do alot of physical work.

How can you tell when a girl is on her period?

Normally a girl is more cranky and stressed out when they have their period. That is what happens to my friend and a lot of other girls too. Also they might walk kind of weird and won't want people behind them. Girls with their period tend to wear black or dark pants and will keep pulling their shirt down. Hope this helps! Bye!

Do boy get a period?

No only girls get their period.