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Online research is my first stop. I'm sure you could also find things in the library or by talking to friends/family, but there's plenty of information available online. Sleep tracking apps such as FitBit are useful to give you information specific to you.

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Q: Where can one learn how to go to sleep faster?
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There are several sleep aids that can help you go to sleep quicker.

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I have tried everything there is and the best thing ( for me at least ) is a sleep mask blacking out all light.

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read a book for about 20 minutes and then you'll be tired and then just relax

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i think that you should lay down with them that would make them go to sleep. also you can give them a glass of warm milk works for my kids!! :)

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If you want to go to sleep faster, you just have to try and stay awake. It's like a reverse thing. Try it out. It actually works.

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Yes go to and you can learn everything about it

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go to sleep, my sweet one. Sleep.