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That's sad

One important factor when trying to sleep through the night is determining your natural sleep cycle and following it. Many people set their bedtimes according to a work or school schedule, only to discover they are not ready to sleep for hours. When they do manage to fall asleep, they may find themselves waking up far too early or feeling reluctant to get out of bed at the prescribed time. It is far better to key your bedtime to the hour you begin to feel sleepy. If you are a night owl, you may find yourself better prepared to sleep through the night if you wait a few hours later for bedtime. An early bird may want to go to bed at an earlier hour, rather than risk becoming overtired by staying up to watch a late program.

Many sleep experts suggest turning off the television set, radio or computer at least an hour before bedtime to improve your ability to sleep through the night. Too much visual or audio stimulation shortly before bedtime can keep your brain active for hours, which is not conducive for good sleep. In order to sleep through the night without hours of restlessness, you should make an active point of relaxing your mind as well as your body during the final hours of an active day. Taking a long soak in a hot bath or practicing relaxation exercises before bedtime can help you disconnect from the events of the day and concentrate on getting a full night's rest.

You should also make an effort to reduce physical and environment factors which can cause you not to sleep through the night. Avoid eating a heavy meal or drinking caffeinated beverages shortly before your preferred bedtime. Be sure to take care of any bathroom needs such as urination before attempting to sleep. If there is a drip in a faucet or a rattle in a window, it may seem to get louder and louder as the night wears on. Check for any possible distractions or use a white noise generator to mask unpleasant sounds. Some people sleep through the night better if they can hear a familiar noise such as a fan or a clock. Completely eliminating all sights and sounds may be counterproductive, but using a sleep mask to control light cues could be very helpful.

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Maybe because you have some anxioty

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