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The "Predalien" is the result of an Alien Facehugger impregnating a predator (Yautja) , or in rare cases, an after-result of genetic experimentation. The Predalien shares many characteristics with its host, such as long hair-like appendages, mandibles, skin color and similar vocalizations. It is a large, bulky creature, and possesses physical strength greater than that of human-spawned aliens. Like human-born aliens, it is also shown to be stronger than its host species, as evidenced by its ability to pin, push, and knock a Predator away with ease. Predalien is shown to have inherited its hosts habit of skinning its victims and removing their spines. The Predalien queen features a new method of reproduction where it seizes its victim's face and forcefully deposits chestburster embryos down the throat via its secondary mouth. Subsequent adult Aliens born this way inherit the traits of their host, displaying no residual Predator traits.

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